Features the article „Die Zinnabar-Laelie - Bemerkungen zu Cattleya cinnabarina“ by Dr. Dirk Weickmann, Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer, Elisabeth Sand, Philip May, Lemarr Baqai.
Features the article „Felsenteller; Reliktarten der Gesneriaceae in Europa. Teil I : Ramonda myconi“ by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann.
Features two articles by Dr. Dirk Weickmann and Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer: and "Lycaste lasioglossa Die Großblütige (with photos by Elisabeth Sand, Scientific Attachée)" and "Paphiopedilum thaianum Ein wunderschöner Venusschuh im Miniaturorchideenformat"
Features two articles by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: "Trichocentrum pumilum - Ein extrem kleinblütiges Trichocentrum" and "Dendrobium taylorii Ein kleiner australischer Endemit"
Features the articles „Einige Bemerkungen zur Jagdstrategie einzelner juveniler Individuen von Serrasalmus geryi“ by Dirk Weickmann and „Wollemia nobilis“ by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer.
Features two articles by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Phragmipedium longifolium. Ein nasswachsender südamerikanischer Frauenschuh“ and „Die Münchner Aurikel Primula auricula var. monacensis“
Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Cattleya schilleriana in der Natur ausgestorben“ (Cattleya schilleriana gone extinct in nature)
Features two articles by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Chiloschista parishii - Eine gut zu pflegende Wurzelorchidee“ (Chiloschista parishii – A root orchid that can be easily tended to) and „Dendrobium laterale - Eine unbekannte Schönheit aus Myanmar" (Dendrobium laterale – An unknown beauty from Myanmar)
Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Oncidiinae 4 Erycina crista-galli“
20 years ago I had some sleepless nights, together with Ms Renata Burda from Sauerlach, a diploma-biologist and with the bookkeeper, Mr Ernst Schrottenloher who lived in Munich-Solln back then. We were looking for a new name for our research group, which was supposed to be dedicated to the review of our patent ideas regarding the pharmaceutical and medicinal application of the biogene substances that I had investigated. Furthermore, it should combine the establishment as well as the cataloguing of our plant collection.